
Better Travel

Release time:2024-03-28Source:China Sustainability TribuneAuthor:媒体中心
Better Travel

Globally, sustainable transport plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development and addressing climate change. With the advancement of China's efforts to become a nation with great transport strength, a trend of building an integrated, green, smart and shared transport system is emerging. In this trend, enterprises are actively leveraging their respective strengths to contribute solutions for building a safe, convenient, efficient, green and economical transport system, aiming to make people's travel more enjoyable and sustainable. Therefore, the “Better Travel” category is established.

Smart Baidu map solves the problem of urban parking

Baidu map introduced the "Smart Space Solution" to address urban parking challenges. This innovative solution provides features such as parking space reservation, automatic allocation and navigation to parking spots, automatic parking record-keeping, indoor AR walking navigation to stores, reverse car location navigation, and one-click payment. It significantly reduces the time citizens spend on parking, alleviating stress for urban dwellers. The solution has been successfully implemented in various urban locations, including curbsides, shopping malls, transportation hubs, hospitals, and parks, with notable deployments at Chengdu East Station and Shanghai Nanxiang Incity MEGA.

Sharing riding visualizes pollution and carbon reduction and creates a new fashion of urban life

Meituan Bike (formerly known as Mobike) initiated a shared biking campaign in 2021 to support pollution reduction and carbon mitigation. It is the first to quantify and visualize the achievements of carbon reduction through shared biking, which helps improve the rate of environmentally friendly travel of the public. According to the data, Meituan Bike and its electric bike users have cumulatively reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1,187,000 tons since its operation, which is equivalent to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from 270,000 private cars in one year. This action, by providing quantifiable and visualized data, aims to attract and encourage the public to actively embrace the low-carbon lifestyle, thereby increasing their pride in cycling.

Worry free E-road makes new energy vehicles run in the city

Currently, the development of new energy vehicles faces many challenges, such as difficulties for vehicle owners to find charging stations, challenges for operators to gain profits, and complexities in government regulation. In response to these issues, State Grid Tianjin Chengnan Electric Power Supply Company built charging infrastructure and the operation and supervision service platforms for new energy vehicles, and built the country's first comprehensive application system that integrates vehicles, charging piles, roads, and power grids. It can provide real-time interactive information for vehicle owners, charging pile operators, new energy vehicle manufacturers, the government, and power grids. Besides, it features convenient and comprehensive functions, as well as prompt and efficient responsiveness, achieving a win-win situation for the five parties.

Co-build a people-vehicle-society ecosystem to create zero harm travel

Nissan is committed to achieving “zero harm” by improving road traffic safety across societal, individual, and vehicular dimensions, fostering a safety ecosystem. Through active societal engagement, the company consistently hosts the “Forum of RTSAC ( Road Traffic Safety Association of the People’s Republic of China)” drawing attention to traffic safety from various stakeholders. Utilizing driving technology as a catalyst, Nissan advocates the implementation of the “Nissan Intelligent Mobility” advanced driver assistance system in China, with the goal of reducing injuries and fatalities resulting from traffic accidents. With a focus on education, Nissan conducts the nationwide “Nissan Dream Classroom” series to enhance children's awareness of traffic safety.

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