
Forum on Sustainable Development Leadership 2024 and the kickoff of GoldenKey Innovation Program held at Peking University

Release time:2024-07-25Source:China Sustainability TribuneAuthor:

To encourage more Chinese enterprises to enhance their sustainability leadership and proactively tackle challenging issues on the path to sustainable development, the Forum on Sustainable Development Leadership 2024 and the kickoff of GoldenKey Innovation Program was held in the lecture hall of the   School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University on World Environment Day, June 5, 2024.

The forum, themed “Uniting Strength through Communication and Driving Change through Management,” brought together representatives from academia, international organizations, industry associations, and the business sector. With diverse backgrounds, these experts offered recommendations on how Chinese enterprises can more effectively and proactively engage in sustainable development through keynote speeches, experience sharing, and roundtable discussions,

At the same time, China Sustainability Tribune and the Institute of Culture and Communication at Peking University initiated the establishment of SDG CC Hub. The unveiling ceremony was jointly led by Xu Jing, professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University, Yu Zhihong, President of China Sustainability Tribune, Shui Linlin, Dean of the School of Design Thinking of the Communication University of China, and Zhong Yongjie, Marketing Director of State Grid Ningbo Electric Power Supply Company. The first practice base of SDG CC Hub – the “Thousand Households, Ten Thousand Lights” service brand creative communication practice base of State Grid Ningbo Electric Power Supply Company – received its official designation at the event. It marks a new phase where the GoldenKey Campaign integrates sustainable development with creative communication in 2024.

June Qian, Head Coach of GoldenKey Campaign and Associate Dean of Academics at Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University, who also serves as the Director of Green Economy and Sustainable Development Research Center and  Professor at the School of Economics and Management, announced the GoldenKey  “SDG· Management Innovation Action Plan.” The plan mainly includes five key actions: forging the GoldenKey· SDG Solution Collection as an excellent SDG management innovation cases, searching for GoldenKey· SDG management innovation models, organizing scholars and experts to visit GoldenKey Campaign on-site, sharing GoldenKey Campaign in business school classrooms, and organizing thematic workshops on SDG management innovation.

Along with the launch of the GoldenKey “SDG· Management Innovation Action Plan”, two case collections were unveiled: The GoldenKey Collection of Outstanding SDG Solutions in China 2023 and the State Grid SDG Solutions 2023 (a total of four volumes).

Finally, the GoldenKey Expert Appointment Ceremony, where the 2024 GoldenKey Experts were presented with GoldenKey Expert Appointment Certificates.

Article keywords: GoldenKey
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