
New Nature Economy

Release time:2024-03-28Source:China Sustainability TribuneAuthor:媒体中心
New Nature Economy

The global economy is highly dependent on nature and its ecosystem services. Faced with ecological crises such as climate change, the business community is calling for a new future. The new nature economy, with a nature-positive business model as core, is ushering into a new business civilization. In this regard, the “New Nature Economy” category is established, aiming at discovering and inspiring outstanding corporate actions with a fresh business perspective.

Make mining sustainable by turning waste soil to fertile soil

Reclamation and reforestation of the dumping sites of mines is a traditional method for handling abandoned soil in mining areas, but it cannot generate sustained economic benefits and social value. In response to the stony desertification at Tangtouchang dumping site, Yizhang Hongyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. made investment in transformation to address the issues related to soil removal while promoting treatment and development simultaneously. By doing so , the company converts the previously rocky and eroded land that was affected by desertification and gullies into over 680 mu (approximately 275.2 hectares) of fertile land. Smart agriculture was introduced to help build a sustainable agricultural industrial park. These measures have supported local villagers in increasing agricultural productivity and farmers' income, and achieved a win-win results for mining development, natural ecology, and rural vitalization.

“5+G” new green development model realizes the harmonious development of tourism and ecology

Due to the problems of over-exploitation of nature and environmental pollution, tourism not only has a direct impact on the ecological environment, but also causes long-term conflicts of interest with local residents. Dangdai Group has embedded social responsibility into the whole process of industrial development and operation to explore a new “5+G” green development model, and promote it in its scenic spots to achieve the harmonious development of ecological and cultural resource protection, community residents, local governments, tourists and enterprises. This mode has promoted the sustainable protection and development of scenic spots ecology, and help local common prosperity.

Organic milk in the desert: turning yellow desert into bank of oasis

Desert management is recognized as a global challenge. China Shengmu returns cow manure to the soil in the form of organic fertilizer by planting sand control plants and raising cows with pasture. Then the company expands the planting area by expanding the breeding scale, and creates a whole organic industrial chain, forming a complete organic ecological sand control industry system. While creating organic good milk, it turns the original desert into a “green garden”, contributing a new model of sand control to the world. It has become an excellent example of the combination of desert management and circular economy.

Digital and low-carbon agriculture celebrates harvest

In China, the total greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector account for approximately one-third of the world total, and the lack of green, low-carbon agricultural production technologies and intelligent equipment has become a big obstacle to China’s low-carbon development in agriculture. XAG applies technologies such as robotics and unmanned driving to the agricultural sector. It assists farmers with field management based on artificial intelligence. To be specific, it builds the digital agricultural infrastructure, develops precision agriculture equipment, and sets up a smart agriculture ecosystem. Through the coordination of six product lines, it reduces the carbon footprint while improving agricultural efficiency.

New wisdom of urban pollution control: appreciate garden above ground, clean sewage underground

Municipal sewage treatment is closely related to the sustainable development of cities; while traditional wastewater treatment plants often occupy a large area of land, and have a large possibility to pollute the surrounding environment. With a focus on “Water, Life, and Love”, Beijing Enterprises Group innovatively constructed the first garden-like underground wastewater treatment plant in Beijing, forming an ecological complex incorporating wastewater treatment, deep purification of water, comprehensive water resource utilization, and the integration of underground treatment facilities with above-ground landscape. Featuring low-carbon and circular operation, it saves more than 50% of land, contributing China's solution to the wastewater treatment in mega-cities.

Article keywords: New Nature Economy
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