

Release time:2024-03-28Source:China Sustainability TribuneAuthor:媒体中心

In an era of uncertainty, enterprises must rapidly initiate changes in management, technology and business models. Only such changes can allow businesses to break free from development constraints, create a sustainable business environment and enhance resilience. In this regard, the “Trans4future” category is established.

Lead industrial transformation and upgrade with a sustainable development garden

Integral, Esquel’s Sustainable Development Garden in Guilin, embodies the company’s vision and showcases its resolve and commitment to guide the industry into a sustainable future. It is a pioneering development model in the textile and apparel industry that combines innovation, quality employment, culture, and environmental sustainability, to showcase how manufacturing and nature can coexist in perfect harmony. It also demonstrates the practical ways enterprises can embrace intelligent transformation, steering towards intelligent manufacturing in China.

Energize the countryside with solar power

Leveraging over 20 years of experience in rural market and a well-established service network, Chongho Bridge is championing new energy development, particularly distributed photovoltaic services, across rural areas. The company has established an all-encompassing platform for the development, design, construction, intelligent operation and maintenance, and professional consulting of photovoltaic power plants. It aims to enhance the role of clean energy in the overall energy mix, increase environmental awareness among farmers, boost the incomes of small- and micro-scale farming households, enhance their resilience to risks, and spur local economic development.

Boost transparency, security, and efficiency of intermediate power supply and use through innovative solutions

State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company and its Fuyang District Branch are fully dedicated to supporting small, medium, and micro enterprises. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they introduced the country’s first electricity bill checking code for indirect electricity users, facilitating access to price reduction policies for these businesses. Based on this, they also developed a “transparent billing” smart energy management platform. This platform provides energy management services for both intermediate electricity suppliers and end users, focusing on three main objectives: providing clear electricity usage details, offering timely monitoring and alerts, and ensuring convenient access through mobile services.

Innovate in risk clue identification and early warning to fortify the cyber security defense line

Facing growing global cybersecurity threats, China Mobile has redefined its approach to meet the stringent national security mandate of “advancing the checkpoint”. The company has innovated its cybersecurity intelligence monitoring, analysis, and early warning mechanisms, evolving from a reactive stance to proactive defense. This shift involves deploying innovative technologies and methods for automated risk clue detection and dynamic risk assessment. These forward-thinking measures not only tighten risk prevention and enhance security but also bolster development support, earning customer trust and safeguarding the high-quality growth of the economy and society.

Jiashan County Branch: Fuel “vehicle-energy-road-cloud” integrated development with the “global5-minute charging circle”

“Smart vehicles, reliable energy, intelligent roads, and real-time clouds”, together, constitute a green smart travel ecosystem. Innovatively, State Grid Jiashan County Power Supply Company has developed integrated, global photovoltaic energy storage and charging e-Stations, separate mobile charging units, as well as operation systems for smart charging and swapping stations. These advancements address rural charging infrastructure gaps, low distribution network capacity, and commercial operation challenges. The company’s efforts are enhancing the global charging network layout in the region and improving facility capabilities and service levels, thus contributing to the development of a new industrial ecology.

Digital and intelligent transformation for targeted emission reduction of Hefei City

Amidst Hefei’s swift urban growth and surging electricity needs, a growing challenge emerges between balancing supply and demand and aligning development with emission reduction. Tackling this, State Grid Hefei Electric Power Supply Company launched the “digital and intelligent Hefei Power Supply” project. Leveraging the Hefei Energy Big Data Center, the company has developed a multi-dimensional model for optimizing energy-saving and carbon reduction, paving the way for digital and intelligent carbon management. By now, this project has enabled local enterprises to save 4.44 million yuan, unlocked an adjustable electricity load of 163,000 kilowatts in the city, and achieved an annual electricity saving of 59.87 million kWh.

Supply-side reform - pioneer hybrid vehicle production in the new energy vehicle sector

Facing the automotive industry’s overcapacity issue, it is urgent for car manufacturers to boost the utilization of existing factories with minimum input. HYCAN’s Hangzhou factory has introduced an innovative solution. It has innovatively adapted its production lines, including the punching, welding, coating, and assembly workshops, to support both fuel and electric vehicle manufacturing. This retrofitting enhances factory utilization and addresses fuel vehicle overcapacity as fuel vehicle production predominated in the early stages of this factory.

Upgrade services with new ideas to reinvigorate intangible cultural heritage

In Yixing, known for its artisanal pottery, the rising demand for electricity and challenges in replacing electric heaters during high-temperature pottery firing phases have been prominent issues. State Grid Yixing County Electric Power Supply Company has adeptly woven power services into the fabric of the ceramic production and operation process. Collaborating with stakeholders, it provides customized power supply solutions for ceramic enterprises. This move has led to the creation of the “Carbon Brand”, a local ceramic culture brand, gaining notable influence and fueling the green development of Yixing’s ceramics, an intangible cultural heritage.

Perspective on urban underground space: to construct underground pipe network for a co-governance ecosystem based on collaborative research and innovation

To address China’s lack of an effective comprehensive management system for urban underground space and the challenges in managing underground pipe networks, State Grid Shanghai Chongming Electric Power Supply Company focuses on enhancing the operational and maintenance efficiency of these networks. Collaborating with relevant entities involved in water, gas, and communications, as well as universities, the company is driving the development of a data platform for the underground pipe network. These joint efforts foster a co-governance ecosystem for the underground pipe network of Chongming Island, which strengthens digital management of underground spaces, and improves public service supply capabilities.

Flexible services to enhance the economy of “overseas Chinese” in Qingtian

State Grid Qingtian Power Supply Company prioritizes serving the overseas Chinese community with a targeted approach. It leverages both online and offline, as well as domestic and international resources, to cater to this community. The company has developed an online “Overseas Chinese Helper” micro-platform to facilitate domestic business operations from abroad. Additionally, it has established offline service centers to assist with overseas business needs while in China. By creating a micro-alliance focused on helping overseas Chinese, the company is breaking functional barriers, enhancing service efficiency, and revitalizing the local economy, maximizing both efficiency and efficacy.

He E-charger: safe charger expert for low-carbon travel

As the number of motor vehicles grows, resulting in increased exhaust emission pollution, electric bicycles emerge as a low-carbon transportation solution. However, this mode of travel faces a lack of safety guarantee in charging. The He E-Charger by China Mobile IoT Company Limited revolutionizes urban charging infrastructure with its smart, operational, and “Internet+” city-level safe charging solution. It provides supporting infrastructure following the philosophy of “building roads before gaining wealth”, and ensures safety for users. The charger’s industrial-grade hardware offers unparalleled safety and reliability, while its smart management platform brings convenience to users. This comprehensive solution has empowered residents with secure, well-regulated charging options, increasing their inclination towards low-carbon transport and contributing to annual emission reductions.

Improve clean water production plants to provide purified water for 2 billion people

Addressing the critical global issue of clean water scarcity, HurRain NanoTech utilizes its self-developed, mass-produced graphene materials to enable large-scale production of clean water. This technology is adaptable to various water sources and is both portable and movable. The company has developed high-performance graphene-based materials for hot water evaporation, suitable for large-scale production. These materials facilitate the design of cost-effective, energy-efficient, zero-waste, and long-lasting clean water production devices, which enhance clean water collection efficiency and offer a promising solution to the drinking water shortage worldwide.

5G+ empower industrial Internet with transformation and upgrading of all industries

To foster digital economic reform in Jinhua, known as a hub for factories, China Mobile tailored its approach to local needs while strengthening top-level design on scaled development. The company tackled numerous technical challenges in 5G to establish Jinhua’s first full-5G smart factory and to develop Zhejiang Province’s first batch of “future factories.” China Mobile provided seven lightweight enterprise applications, developed ten industry-level solutions, and launched Zhejiang’s first “cross-industry and cross-domain” 5G+ industrial Internet platform. These efforts have significantly advanced the large-scale development of the 5G+ industrial Internet in Zhejiang Province.

Improve community sustainability based on joint governance and shared benefits

Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Richangsheng has progressively developed a community co-development system with a focus on autonomous growth. To address key challenges such as limited self-growth motivation within communities, untapped labor potential, and scarcity of educational resources in rural schools, Richangsheng has pooled diverse resources and fostered broad collaboration mechanisms to amplify the collective impact of community co-development. It offers valuable insights into fostering communities that create shared value, and establishes a multi-stakeholder consultation, joint governance, and collaborative development model involving the government, businesses, social organizations, community residents, and innovators from various sectors.

Accelerate the digital Gansu to benefit people and enterprises

China Mobile has significantly advanced Gansu’s digital governance by developing a comprehensive architecture of “1 network + 1 cloud + 1 base + 6 supports + 1 platform + N applications.” Completing the task typically taking 2-3 years in less than one year, the company has demonstrated efficient resource use and maximized efficiency. This architecture has notably enhanced the province’s online government capabilities, leading to substantial improvements in key service metrics like “one network for all services” and “all processes completed online.” These advancements have not only brought convenience to businesses but also significantly enhanced people’s livelihoods and the overall development of the province.

Show Room-a new arena for decommissioned power equipment

State Grid Shanghai Ultra High Voltage Company is redefining the use of decommissioned power equipment by repurposing outdated substations. By adopting the innovative “funnel” management model, the company has redirected equipment scrapping from a linear, single-use approach to one that offers multiple end uses. This approach also reimagines engineering transformation, moving from mere “reproduction and reconstruction” to “recycling and sustainability.” Furthermore, the company has evolved its demonstration planning, shifting the focus from isolated actions to collaborative efforts and sharing of outcomes. It has also transformed power science education from traditional classroom teaching to interactive, practical learning experiences, thereby maximizing the residual value of idle resources.

Sustainable light for green agriculture
Signify is transforming agricultural practices with its innovative lighting technology, offering a sustainable light formula. Through Philips plant lighting solutions, Signify provides tailored lighting products and control systems to meet the specific needs of different crops. It aids the development of vertical farms by enhancing crop yields and quality in a more energy-efficient manner. Signify’s practices not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also contribute to fresh food supply, intensive land use, and bolstering the ecosystem’s carbon sequestration capacity, thereby supporting the development of green agriculture.

Build “Site of the First CPC National Congress · Xintiandi” into a carbon-neutral demonstration zone in China

Shui On Land has been dedicated to crafting exceptional, sustainable urban communities. The company has innovated in blending urban texture with historical preservation and combining urban functionality with industrial transformation and upgrade. Moving forward, the company is focused on balancing energy-saving with production capacity enhancement. It plans to combine in-depth optimization with progressive advancement, while comprehensively promoting the implementation of “photovoltaic roof + photovoltaic glass” solutions. Shui On aspires to cultivate a sustainable lifestyle and transform the “Site of the First CPC National Congress · Xintiandi” into a demonstration carbon-neutral business district through universal community involvement.

The sustainable development plan in the post-carbon neutral era

After 30 years of rapid economic growth, China now faces climate change and energy shortages as major challenges to its high-quality economic development. Recognizing this, Signify launched the “Brighter Lives, Better World” sustainability program for 2016-2020 in 2016. This ambitious plan committed to generating 80% of Signify’s revenues from energy-efficient products, systems, and services, and achieving carbon neutrality in operations and using 100% renewable electricity by 2020. These commitments have all been successfully fulfilled.

Build the first event sustainability management system of state-owned enterprises

To address resource waste, environmental harm, and urban sustainability issues associated with large-scale events, State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company launched the “Electrifying 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games with Green Energy” action plan. This plan adopted the international ISO20121 standard, “Event Sustainability Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use” to guide 58 Asian Games venues and villages in securing green power supply. This approach earned the company the distinction of being the first central state-owned enterprise to receive certification in event sustainability management system. It set a benchmark for sustainable energy solutions in large-scale events.

“SRAIRMP”-innovates in agriculture insurance products and improves risk management

Traditional agricultural insurance has been stymied by issues such as moral hazard, adverse selection, and complex rate-setting. To overcome these challenges, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd., Beijing Branch developed the “SRAIRMP,” an intelligent agriculture insurance risk management platform. This solution specifically targets the common problems in agricultural insurance such as innovation barriers, high costs, and slow compensation processes. It leverages meteorological data to estimate compensation rates, provides automated recommendations for optimizing insurance products, and facilitates real-time calculation of compensations. This platform plays a crucial role in significantly narrowing the existing gaps in agricultural insurance coverage.

Run for the future-support China’s auto parts industry to achieve dual circulation

Aiming to bolster and augment China’s auto parts industry’s supply capabilities, Nissan (China) initiated a range of enhancement initiatives for its auto parts suppliers, including the THANKS program. These initiatives are designed to assist suppliers in reducing costs and elevating product quality, thereby boosting the overall competitiveness of suppliers and fostering the growth of the auto parts industry in China. As a result, local Chinese auto parts suppliers have been increasingly engaged in the industry, becoming both beneficiaries and contributors within the global auto parts procurement landscape.

“Transparent service” management of smart meters

Confronted with concerns over accelerated readings, inaccurate metering, and electricity consumption of smart meters, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company Limited introduced an innovative “transparent service” management approach for these devices. This strategy involved identifying stakeholders across the entire life cycle of smart meters, conducting analyses of information needs, and ensuring targeted information disclosure. It also encouraged stakeholders to engage in and oversee the entire process. This strategy effectively reduced concerns about meter accuracy, fostered closer connections with stakeholders, and solidified the company’s reputation for fairness, justice, scientific reliability, and trustworthiness.

Build an online platform of “electricians in my home” to solve the problem of maintenance of the meters

To tackle meter maintenance concerns,State Grid Xiangyang Xiangzhou Power Supply Company initiated the “Electricians in My Home” service brand. In 2019, they enhanced this initiative by establishing an online platform under the same name, pioneering a new model for cloud-managed power supply extension services. The company further strengthened this service by integrating qualified local electricians into the platform’s management. This move, along with the company’s supply service center playing a dynamic role in supervision and consultation, has markedly enhanced the quality and efficiency of the services offered. Impressively, this platform has attracted over 60,000 registered users and boasts a 100% customer satisfaction rate.

An innovative achievement trading platform makes innovation flow in teams

In a bid to spur innovation and maximize the collective intellect of its workforce, State Grid Wuxi Power Supply Company embarked on a digital leap in 2020. The company established an innovation achievement trading platform, akin to Taobao, which serves as a vibrant channel for experience sharing among teams and groups. The platform uses “innovation gold coins” as a quantitative incentive to encourage employee participation. This initiative has significantly enhanced the sharing and integration of innovative ideas, maximizing the impact of these achievements. As a result, it not only boosts team efficiency and effectiveness but also creates added value for users and the broader society.

Green and low-carbon makes office freer

China Overseas Land & Investment Limited’s flexible workspace brand, OFFICEZIP, is redefining office spaces with its commitment to low-carbon strategies. From creating “innately green” products to establishing innovative green operational systems, OFFICEZIP has landed the “Green Pioneer Tenant Introduction Plan.” This brand explores low-carbon office laboratories and offers zero-carbon conference certifications. By integrating low-carbon solutions with health and intelligent design, OFFICEZIP is crafting a new office ecosystem that simultaneously advances green, low-carbon initiatives along with business growth and upgrade. Notably, its flagship project has earned the distinction of being the world’s first non-conventional office project to receive the platinum-level WELL certification.

Build a sustainable community to promote development through enterprise-local collaboration

Aligned with the national comprehensive rural vitalization strategy and acknowledging the unique eatures of the mining industry, Richangsheng Group has performed the role of a “good neighbor” in its project areas. The company embarks on promoting technological innovation, exploring local cultural highlights, and organizing community cultural events. These efforts lead to a well-managed community environment and the development of a distinct cultural brand for small towns. Such practices invigorate the self-governance enthusiasm of residents, spur local creativity, and transform the traditional perception of mining impacts among local people, thus effectively addressing the “neighborhood avoidance effect” and paving the way for sustainable community development.

Free Medical Treatment Alliance 3.0 creates a win-win commercial enterprise electricity maintenance model

Aiming for a more sustainable operation model while guaranteeing the electricity supply for enterprises in Wuhu Park, State Grid Wuhu Electric Power Supply Company ventured into developing a new win-win model involving governments, power suppliers, and enterprise sectors. In 2021, building on existing pilot experiences, the company launched the “Free Medical Treatment Alliance 3.0” project, which introduced a package-based, paid electricity operation and maintenance service platform for park enterprises. This platform enhances the quality and reliability of electricity usage for users, offering fresh perspectives on optimizing the electricity business environment.

Build a science and innovation center to ignite the “spark” of innovation industry

The Great Stone China-Belarus Industrial Park, seeking to capitalize on Belarus and neighboring countries’ rich scientific research resources and talent, has established the China-Belarus Innovation Center for Industrialization of Scientific and Technological Achievements. This center unites five key functional platforms: project incubation and acceleration, scientific and technological cooperation, R&D project trial production, display and trading, as well as industry-finance-research integration. It focuses on project incubation and nurturing internal industrial growth, providing an endogenous driving force for developing innovative industries within the park. The center has further enhanced scientific and technological collaboration between China and Belarus, thereby bolstering China’s international competitiveness.

Explore the opportunity of urban renewal to create a warm urban space

As China’s cities transition into an era of stock renewal, reshaping urban functions has emerged as a critical mission. CREATER is at the forefront of this movement, focusing on the commercial aspects of renovation projects. By harnessing regional resources and fostering industries like cultural creativity and technological innovation, CREATER is dedicated to developing an experiential and integrated industrial form. This approach is exemplified by the “urban renewal” model represented by Yuyuan Road, Shanghai. The efforts of CREATER are continually enhancing the functionality and vitality of urban blocks, creating urban spaces that are warm, intriguing, and artistic.

Build stray animal shelters for homeless creatures

There are a great number of stray animals in cities, which pose many challenges. For instance, their lives may be put in dangerThe urban environment may be polluted and the social security may be on edge. The Stray Animal Shelter is the first stray animal rescue program unveiled by Taobao & Tmall Group. Users involved are encouraged to participate in the online rescue of stray animals and are informed of science-based rescue approaches. By now, millions of users have participated in the online campaign, donating about 500 tons of pet food to over 10,000 stray animals, and giving out over 2 million yuan of donations for medical treatment and other needs.

Article keywords: Trans4future
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