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COP28 主席苏尔坦·贾比尔发布声明:中美共识释放明确信号



对于中美在气候问题上所达成的共识,COP28 主席苏尔坦·贾比尔博士(Dr. Sultan Al Jaber)发表了声明,声明全文(中英文)如下:

I welcome and congratulate the US and China on this significant announcement, which responds to the global community’s repeated calls for action and raises the bar for an ambitious response to the first Global Stock Take.

The world needs good news, and expectations remain high. We must restore trust in multilateralism. Today’s announcement demonstrates that, when we work towards a greater good, we can deliver historic, meaningful, high-ambition outcomes.

The consensus reached between the US and China is a significant outcome ahead of COP28. Tripling renewables capacity and cutting power-sector emissions by 2030, coupled with commitments to urgently reduce methane emissions and tackle all greenhouses gases through economy-wide NDCs, whilst anticipating peaking in this critical decade, will have a meaningful impact for generations to come.

全球盘点的结果表明,要使实现《巴黎协定》目标重回正轨,使“1.5 摄氏度”目标保持在可实现的范围内,我们还有很多工作要做。这也要求各方团结起来,采取行动,并在 COP28 达成充满雄心的全球盘点决定。
The Global Stock Take evidences that there is much to be done to get back on track and keep 1.5℃ within reach. It will require all parties to unite, act, and deliver a high-ambition GST decision at COP28.

我敦促各方在 COP28 开幕前提高雄心。
I urge all parties to raise ambition ahead of COP28.

This agreement sends a clear signal that, in an increasingly turbulent world, the climate change challenge provides a unique opportunity to strengthen global solidarity.

文章关键词: 可持续发展 CPO28
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