
No Poverty

Release time:2024-03-28Source:China Sustainability TribuneAuthor:媒体中心
No Poverty

Offer a “price safe” for agricultural products -- “Insurance and Futures” poverty alleviation mode

China Minmetals leverages its comprehensive financial business licenses to pioneer a “insurance and futures” targeted poverty alleviation model, utilizing the price discovery and risk-hedging functions of the futures market to improve traditional insurance mechanisms. The initiative not only strengthens the intrinsic motivation of farmers in cultivation, revitalizes agricultural production factors, but also effectively activates local economic revitalization mechanisms, bringing reassurance and confidence for impoverished farmers in multiple provinces, and innovatively realizing the efficient utilization of futures derivatives to contribute to poverty alleviation.

“Suibin model” for industrial poverty alleviation by market-oriented mechanism

To address the challenges of high-quality grains sold at low-price, imbalances between supply and demand and the lack of income guarantees for farmers in Suibin County, Heilongjiang Province, COFCO Corporation collaborates with the local government and other stakeholders and jointly invests 70 million yuan to establish a leading agricultural enterprise. The initiative aims to guide farmers and cooperatives to form a community of interests linked by equity with COFCO Corporation. Leveraging COFCO’s leadership in the entire rice industry chain, the project unblocks the marketing bottleneck and establishes a sustainable ecosystem through contract farming and share distribution mechanism.

Goodbye “Cliff Village”-China Mobile Sichuan helps Liangshan win the battle against poverty

Atuleer village, located in Liangshan prefecture belonging to the “Most Impoverished Three Regions and Three Prefectures”, is a typical “cliff village”facing extreme difficulties in transportation and poverty alleviation. Over the past five years, China Mobile Sichuan has made successive and collaborative efforts in the Internet availability, economy, education, healthcare and communication. The company manages to eliminate the communication barrier in Atuleer village and transform the once“cliff village” into a demonstration village for informatization, a leapfrog transition from closed backwardness to poverty alleviation and development.

Health care service—Rural Doctor Targeted Poverty Alleviation Program

Ensuring basic medical insurance for impoverished people is a weak link of targeted poverty alleviation. Through the cultivation and retention of qualified rural doctors, the risk of poverty caused by illness and returning to poverty due to illness can be reduced. Fosun Group adopts a series of measures, including village doctor training, insurance donations, contract-based chronic disease management incentives, selection of outstanding village doctors, assistance for major illnesses and the smart upgrading of clinics. Additionally, the group establishes the "Future Clinic" and introduces advanced technologies such as the Internet, AI and big data to build a guardianship network for rural residents’ health.

“Internet+” poverty alleviation model helps create a beautiful digital life

China Mobile actively leverages its advantages in Internet and information technology, innovating and implementing the “Internet+” poverty alleviation model based on the "1+3+X" framework. With Internet-based poverty alleviation as the main focus, the company strengthens organizational, financial and talent support and integrates the Internet with various areas related to poverty alleviation including education, culture, health, consumption, industry, employment, people's livelihood, and the Party and the League. The company’s goal is to provide people with accessible, affordable and high-quality information services and ensure that hundreds of millions of people can benefit more from the shared achievements of Internet development.

Build a “small and beautiful”demonstration base to help the Miao people get rid of poverty and become better off

To help the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture achieve targeted poverty alleviation, China Minmetals has innovatively created an industrial poverty alleviation model of “central enterprise funding + rural cooperative operation + driving the income of households with household registration cards + enterprise purchase of products to drive sales + clear income distribution to cultivate endogenous driving force of enterprises”. One by one,“small and beautiful” base projects have played a leading role from the perspective of controllable risks and responsibility for funds, so that the surrounding households with household registration cards can increase their income and alleviate poverty, and the connection points can become a surface, forming a wide-ranging driving and radiation effect.

Offer financial education to tens of millions of rural residents—Visa’s Financial Inclusion Pilot Programs help targeted poverty alleviation

In impoverished areas, it is challenging for the local population to integrate financial preferential policies with their practical needs, diminishing the effectiveness of poverty alleviation through financial measures. Visa collaborates with its Chinese partners and initiates the “Jin Hui Project” Besides promoting financial literacy among farmers and herdsmen, as well as rural primary and secondary school students, the project also focuses on improving the capabilities of township and village leaders and rural financial institution practitioners. In addition, by empowering both the supply and demand sides, the company works to systematically enhance the development of inclusive finance in targeted poor areas, providing financial knowledge education and training to over tens of millions of rural residents.

Cultivate civilized habits and boost villagers vitality -- China State Decoration’s effectiveness in poverty alleviation and morale boosting

To address poverty requires not only material poverty alleviation but also the vitality for impoverished individuals to start a new life. In Yangjiahe village, China State Decoration focuses on fostering the local residents’ civilized habits and boosting their morale. The company creates an elaborate and comprehensive plan for cultivating civilized habits including using the “Honor Points Board”. The board program scores based on ten key aspects and assists villagers on the list to realize their “small wishes” This approach encourages local residents to take actions in changing their living habits, an improvement in both material and spirit and a leap to a new life.

Fly towards a prosperous life enriched with tea-- “Xiamen Airlines Grange” contributes to rural assistance

The Ningde region in Fujian province lacks stable sales channels and influential brands for high-quality agricultural products. To address the local challenges of sustainable poverty alleviation and prosperity, Xiamen Airlines and the Ningde government have signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement to work in areas such as industry support, tourism coordination and brand promotion to establish the brand “Xiamen Airlines Grange” The first project partners with a renowned tea enterprise to create the tea brand “Egret Tea Garden” and stably linking the brand to Xiamen Airlines’ “Sky Teahouse” service, bringing the aroma of tea to the cabin while enriching the lives of tea farmers.

Build agricultural products with Geographical Indication-- contract farming contributes to targeted poverty alleviation

For self-reliant development of poverty alleviation and charity, an innovative approach must be adopted. Hengchang Litong pursues both targeted poverty alleviation and charitable work. In response to the government’s advocacy, the company provides funds, technology and sales support to stimulate the internal motivating power of impoverished people. Through holding a series of farmers’ harvest festival and creating Youyang premium brands with Geographical Indication, such as “Huatian Gongmi” the company manages to promote the development of leading industries with distinctive local features, advancing poverty alleviation and prosperity in the region.

Empower women and contribute to rural vitalization in Yi ethnic villages

In response to the prolonged poverty of Waipula, a Yi ethnic village, Mary Kay operates under the SDG Pilot Village project and keeps conducting various trainings tailored to local culture and ecological conditions, as part of its efforts to empower women. In addition, the company harnesses the strength of women in uniting families and the entire village and optimizes the industrial structure based on the local resource advantages, aiming to keep in line with the SDGs. The project inspires local women with a strong cultural confidence and encourages them to actively participate in transforming their hometown and creating a fulfilling life, rendering them role models for countless women.

“Limin Chicken Programme” contributes to community-level poverty alleviation and prosperity

In 2020, 218 households in Huangcun Town were still in poverty. In this regard, Sateri (Jiujiang) collaborated with the local government to create a "Government-Enterprises-Farmers" cooperation model. The company provided free chicks and offered training in chicken breeding, aiming to comprehensively assist impoverished households in acquiring skills with which they can make a living for a long time. Additionally, the company established the online shopping platform to facilitate sales. All these efforts effectively addressed a range of issues from breeding to selling, offering farmers reassurance about the breeding and empowering them to shake poverty and pursue continuous prosperity.

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