
Better Life

Release time:2024-03-28Source:China Sustainability TribuneAuthor:媒体中心
Better Life

Globally, sustainable transport plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development and addressing climate change. With the advancement of China's efforts to become a nation with great transport strength, a trend is emerging of building an integrated, green, smart and shared transport system. In this trend, enterprises are actively leveraging their respective strengths to contribute solutions for building a safe, convenient, efficient, green and economical transport system, aiming to make people's travel experiences more enjoyable and sustainable. Therefore, the “Better Travel” category is established.

Advocate “green flights” and reduce food waste

China Southern Airlines is committed to corporate social responsibility. Based on innovative products and service models, the company integrates the concept of green development into services and makes it runs through all aspects of passenger travel, thus constantly improving the passengers’ environmental awareness. In response to the national call for ecological conservation, the “Green Flight” service program launched by China Southern Airlines encourages passengers to opt for on-demand meals and reduce food waste during their flights. For passengers who do not require a meal (offered drinks only on board), they can receive additional mileage rewards. Since the program’s launch in 2019, the company has saved nearly 1.2 million on-board meals as of December 31, 2020, equivalent to saving 570 tons of food.

Low-carbon accommodation program: intelligent power supports green hotels

To address challenges such as insufficient monitoring of energy consumption and lack of the means of integrated energy management in the hotel industry, the State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company jointly launched the Low-carbon Accommodation Program, China’s first “Tourism + Electricity” big data service project, aiming to encourage hotels and consumers to actively participate in energy conservation and emission reduction efforts. Hangzhou Yunqi Inn, as a frontrunner in China, has successfully completed the transformation of 115 smart meters under the program. With over 3,000 travelers scanning the code to experience the program, the initiative has an attention rate of more than 60% and has reduced 7.3% of energy consumption on average monthly.

Creating a “1+365+N” volunteer ecosystem to deliver the warmth of the city

To make the subway a warm space in the city, Shenzhen Metro Group created China’ first volunteer legal person group in the rai transit industry, the Shenzhen Metro Volunteer Federation. By adopting the strategy of “rail + public welfare” and the service vision of “serving the subway and warming up the city,” the company establishes a volunteer ecosystem within Shenzhen Metro called “1+365+N” that provides small yet meaningful volunteer services to infuse the city with both efficiency and a sense of warmth. This mode has been replicated and promoted in other cities such as Qingdao and Nanjing.

Clear Plate National Public Welfare Action

The Clear Plate mobile app is dedicated to reducing food waste by encouraging users to take photos of their empty plates after meals, and through intelligent AI recognition, they are rewarded with points. These points can then be exchanged for high-quality rewards or donated to public welfare programs, with enterprises donating funds accordingly. Every recorded clear plate is like every bit of love converging into a sea, so that small public welfare radiates great energy. With over 4 million cumulative users and 36 million clear plates recorded as of November 2020, this action has reduced food waste by approximately 1,400 tons and carbon emissions by 5,000 tons.

Customized public transportation makes travel better

The Beijing Public Transport Corporation has catered to the diverse travel needs of the public by introducing a customized bus service that was launched in 2013 and has upgrade it to enhance travel safety during the COVID-19 epidemic. The upgraded version incorporates more convenient and user-friendly features including comprehensive online ticketing, an online verification mechanism, navigation assistance to the bus station, and line collection and sharing options. These enhancements improved user experience and made the travel more convenient. Currently, there are 258 customized bus routes covering various areas in Beijing.

“Focused cooperation” creates a new green ecology of energy consumption in ancient towns

To address the serious safety hazards caused by the use of coal, kerosene, and gas canisters in the ancient town of Tongli, Wujiang, the State Grid Suzhou Power Supply Company, along with the government, electric kitchenware manufacturers, small and micro-merchants, residents, and other stakeholders, built up differentiated but focused communication and cooperation. They accurately capture the needs of all parties to reach win-win cooperation. This approach orderly and forcefully promotes the “Tongli all-electric neighbourhood” transformation to complete the transition from “gas to electricity”, thereby fulfilling the ancient town residents’ aspirations for a better life with cleaner and safer electricity.

Build intelligent shared mobility and help urban traffic management

To address the challenges associated with the urban management of shared bicycles, Hellobike has adopted “intelligent technology-driven lean operation, ” utilizing Hellobrain intelligent scheduling system to plan the most efficient scheduling routes. Leveraging an intelligent identification system for non-motorized parking behavior, the company enhances the timeliness and accuracy of operation and maintenance work. It also introduced the “returning in designated areas” mode to reduce the problem of chaotic parking and indiscriminate disposal of bicycles in the city. By leveraging technology, Hellobike alleviates the issue of supply shortages during peak hours and contributes to tidier roads during off-peak hours.

Launch the “Treasure Action” to promote a zero-waste lifestyle

To implement urban waste sorting, Bottloop has utilized six beverage bottles to create an environmentally friendly drawstring bag, incorporated the “four-classification” logo of waste sorting into the bag’s design and launched the “Treasure Action” for urban young people. This action encourages individuals to collect waste without littering during outdoor activities to promote the concept of zero waste and transform the traditional environmental education into a fashion trend behavior, which has gained significant attention from both the government and mainstream media and has formed partnerships with well-known brands to jointly promote a sustainable lifestyle.

SDGs City Exploration Competition activates a city

To engage more people in the SDGs, Xiamen Airlines has created the only public welfare event with the theme of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Xiamen Airlines SDGs City Exploration Competition. This well-designed and meticulously organized event allows participants to engage in a thrilling competition and experience the beauty of the city, while encouraging more enterprises, organizations, and individuals to implement the SDGs, bringing together the strengths of many parties for the achievement of the goals and contributing to a better world.
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