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- 第二十八届中欧企业社会责任圆桌论坛 -

2023年6月8日   北京

当前,应对气候变化任务日益紧迫,低碳减碳已是大势所趋。2023年两会政府工作报告强调“推动重点领域节能降碳减污,持续打好蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战”。作为世界“碳中和”事业先锋,欧盟减碳行动起步较早,且具备相关技术优势。从《欧洲绿色协议》到“Fit for 55”再到REPowerEU,减碳转型的雄心不减。供应链减碳不仅需要企业充分利用相关技术和工具赋能,调整企业内部能源结构,制定减碳目标及行动路径,更需要打造合作伙伴生态圈,和供应商建立紧密协同的减碳伙伴关系,共同在采购、制造、物流和销售等各环节全面实现减碳。



值得一提的是,本次论坛召开之际恰逢中欧企业社会责任圆桌论坛创办15周年。十五年来,中欧企业社会责任圆桌论坛着眼长远、久久为功,搭建了中欧双方在企业社会责任领域专业、务实的交流平台和沟通渠道。鉴于此,本论坛将设置 “特别的15周年纪念” 环节,再回首携手同行的十五载,并展望值得期待的中欧可持续贸易光明未来。


- 全球贸易协会(amfori)

- 可持续发展经济导刊


- 中国纺织工业联合会(CNTAC)

- 中电标协社会责任工作委员会(CSR-CESA)

- 香港生产力促进局(HKPC)


Fostering Carbon Reduction Partnership in SupplyChains

- The 28th Sino-European CSRRoundtable Forum -

8 June 2023,Beijing

Nowadays,addressing climate change is becoming increasingly urgent worldwide and carbon reductionhas become an irresistible trend. To achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbonneutrality, China has adopted policies and measures, such as adjusting itsindustrial structure and energy mix, and promoting concerted efforts on carbonand pollution reduction. The GovernmentWork Report 2023 also highlighted to "advance energy conservation andcarbon reduction in key areas " for a better ecology. As a pioneer in the"carbon neutrality" cause, EU started its carbon reduction actionearly and has technical advantages. From the European Green Deal and Fit for 55to REPowerEU, the EU's ambitions for carbon reduction remain undiminished. Andleading enterprises have taken the lead in embarking on the road of low-carbontransformation, integrating carbon reduction into supply chain management.

The low-carbon development is the future ofenterprises. It requires enterprises not only to leverage technologies forenergy mix adjustment and carbon reduction actions, but to build a closercarbon reduction partnership with suppliers, for joint carbon reduction inprocurement, manufacturing, logistics and sales. As the carbon reductionpartnership in supply chains covers a wide range, from brands, suppliers toenergy companies and financial institutions, how to foster such a soundpartnership for multi-dimensional collaboration to empower suppliers with newskills, new processes, new tools on carbon reduction and gain market advantagesbefore the launch of carbon tax is a big challenge. The 28th Roundtable Forum will invite sustainability experts, brands and suppliers toshare the latest regional policies, carbon reduction partnership approaches andpractices, and provide carbon reduction solutions for targeted groups.

It is worthmentioning that this forum also marks the 15th anniversary of the Sino-EuropeanCSR Roundtable Forum. Over the past 15 years, the Roundtable Forum has built aprofessional and practical communication platform and channel for CSR expertsand practitioners. During the event, we will celebratethe 15th Anniversary Special Session – reviewing the milestones created andlook forward to the bright future to jointly develop sustainable trade betweenChina and the EU.

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